Poetic Proverbs No 2

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Poetic Proverbs No 2

Why do we wish our time away,

When some would simply dream of delay?

Appears the desire for time is wrong,

But for an infusion of purpose we should long.


How vast was the sin,

That locked me in,

To troubles – a kind to scare,

Then along came the Messiah,

Setting my mind higher,

Upon salvation I now could share.


Defeating Satan’s Ploy

The wash of the Spirit’s anointing,

An experience of heavenly joy,

One that God’s appointing,

For every girl and boy.

For every girl and boy,

It doesn’t get better than this,

Defeating Satan’s ploy,

Turning to God is bliss.


Awaking a sleeping giant,

Sweet justice of God,

On whom we should be reliant,

On that alone – His rod.


Eternal flame of grace,

Ever on we’ll run,

Hope to complete this race,

Abounds on faith in the Son.


Beyond self-control, why obey our self-will when there’s infinitely more power behind God’s will? Will power versus the Spirit’s power – no contest.

Diligence takes time. We cannot hope to be seen as responsible, reliable or dependable if we don’t invest time, effort and the resources of attention.


Watch for the trick,

Beware the temptation,

The reason comes quick,

Preventing self condemnation.


Vignettes on Hope

Hope’s the ability,

To see far and wide,

It’s the spiritual agility,

To harmonise our ride.

Beyond despair,

Hope’s our God-gift,

Hard life made fair,

It’s our pick-me-up lift.

That was then,

This is now,

Regrets condemn,

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But hope will endow.

Positive imagery in the mind,

Enables hope to flourish,

Vision upon which we’re defined,

Our souls with which to nourish.


A poetic paraphrase: The Apostle Paul to the Ephesians:

I give constant prayerful thanks for you,

Your faith and love are astounding,

To God you’ve been faithful and true,

In you-the Spirit is found abounding.



There are two responses to mistakes: humour and seriousness. Work on your humorous response. As the Joker said, “Why so serious?”


Wildlife Parks and Wonder

Wildlife parks are wonderful,

Looks of curiosity asunder,

Flora and fauna are bountiful,

Nature’s spell we’re under.

“Oohs” and “arghs” ripple,

Applause occasionally too,

Happiness now at the triple,

Adoration’s the emotion now due.

National pride displayed,

Multicultural presence as well,

Everybody’s prejudices downlaid,

Unity’s the mood to gel.


Transparency’s the enemy of corruption,

Honesty, the hope for change,

Truth creates an interruption,

So justice isn’t estranged.

A� 2011 S. J. Wickham.